Electromagnetic Power Grid Inside the Pyramids

Ancient Aliens: Electromagnetic Power Grid - One News Page VIDEO
Auckland, New Zealand, 1952-- airline pilot, Bruce Cathie, spots a UFO hovering over the city's harbor. The craft holds him spellbound before vanishing straight up into the sky. The sighting turned out to be the first of many Cathie would have over the next two decades. He recorded all of them, documenting their exact flight paths, and a startling pattern began to emerge. He spotted multiple UFO sightings. They all follow the same north-south gridlines and east-west grid lines. What he realized was is that, perhaps, they were powering their crafts with this particular grid, because the Earth is like a hugely powerful energy source. Cathie worked with software engineer, Rod Maupin, to create Gridpoint Atlas, a computer program designed to map out his theory that electromagnetic lines criss-cross the planet. According to ancient astronaut theorists, many of the world's ancient cultures were also aware of this global energy grid. All around the world, we find megalithic sites that are connected by geodetic gridlines and energy lines that naturally form from the Earth and that there is clear evidence that there was some kind of ancient survey of the planet that took place in antiquity. And the evidence now is the placement of where these megalithic sites are that we can still see today. Is it possible the ancients built their pyramids to tap into the same electromagnetic fields as extraterrestrials use to power their crafts? If we knew the truth, if we had a sophisticated enough perspective on planets and geomagnetic fields, we might realize that the sphere of the Earth, with a molten core that sets up these magnetic fields, is exactly what other intelligences look for in order to use pyramids in a way that we still have never been introduced to, at least publicly and that once you have them in the right position, in the right magnetic field structure, you have free energy forever. And this sounds incredible. It is incredible. NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut theorists contend that pyramids were not only built to harness the Earth's energy, but to amplify it by using the pyramidal shape itself. There are certain pioneering scientists that have made the suggestion that the secret to how the atom is powered is gravity, that there is, in fact, a union between gravity and electromagnetism. So if the Earth is a sphere, and the energy is flowing in from all directions, you build the shape of a pyramid, and as that matter is being created, you get a swirling current. And that swirling current generates a great deal of rotational inertia in the center of the pyramid. The Great Pyramid does make an electromagnetic energy. I have taken, over the years, instruments into the pyramid-- converts this energy we're talking about into a voltage. And measuring in Los Angeles, it was putting out about 0.08 volts. And when I took it into the Great Pyramid, it was producing 1,200 millivolts, which means 1.2 volts. And the area around the pyramid was putting out the same voltage. NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists contend that Earth's pyramids were not only designed for energy disbursement or powering spacecraft, but were also interconnected to act as communication hops and, possibly, even teleportation docks, capable of transporting living beings between pyramids both here on Earth and on other worlds. If we look at all the specific instances of pyramids being placed around the globe, it could be that the Great Pyramid was meant to interconnect with these other pyramids that were built so purposely in different locations and could have been orchestrated by an extraterrestrial species for reasons we're still unable to fathom.
