Mysterious Things Found In Ice

Top 10 Mysterious Things Found Frozen In Ice Antarctica - YouTube ...
scientists find many items when digging in frozen parts of the world their work helps us understand our past and some of the creatures that came before us now more than ever we know more about life before us than ever before [Music] nine mammoth brains perhaps one of the strangest things to appear out of the ice is the brains of this wooly mammoth scientists came across these massive horns and a pile of remains when exploring the Laptev sea coast it is expected that these particular items are more than 39,000 years old scientists estimate that the horns belong to a mammoth that was approximately six to nine years old which is significantly shorter than a usual life expectancy normally woolly mammoths lived to around 68 pottsy man on sea man is one of the more famous humans to have been found in the snow about 5,300 years old this well-preserved body was found on the Alps between Austria and Italy one of the more amazing details about the odd sea man is that he's a genetic ancestor to many people in the nearby Austria area one of the less palatable facts about the Otzi man is the number of diseases he acquired among the litany are things like gum disease gall stones worn joints hardened arteries Lyme disease and parasitic worms he also had an arrow embedded in his shoulder and appears to have died from a blow to the skull seven baby mammoth Lyuba is the name given to this baby mammoth and it was known to be a kind and gentle mammoth when it was alive it said that Lyuba roamed the earth over forty eight thousand years ago its body was discovered in 2007 and it was a complete accident the intact remains of the mammoth were found by a reindeer hunter when they were out on a frozen Peninsula in Russia upon finding the remains the hunter knew it was a phenomenal find I decided to seek help from my friends the hunters friend suggested contacting a museum director for further investigation into the remains the hunter led the exports back to where he found the body but upon arriving there lubicz body had vanished it was later learned that the cousin of the hunter decided to sell the remains to make a profit experts located the person the hunters cousin sold it to and found Lee remains still as well-preserved as the hunter had found them the mammoth skin trunk and even eyes were still fully intact the discovery was incredible and is now visible to the public in a museum near where they found the remains six woolly rhino animals with abundant fur are common to areas of extreme cold and that's why we used to have the woolly Rhino one recent specimen was found so well preserved that it came fur covering all parts of its body that weren't not on by predators this particular Rhino was thought to be around 18 months old it was found in Saka Russia one of the coldest regions in northern Russia the last of this species was thought to have died out around 10,000 years ago finding it then can yield clues about the animals that lived at the time the ways in which they lives and even the habits they had five saber-toothed Tigers also called cave lions these Tigers roam much of the arctic circle some Russian scientists recently found some unique specimens in yak Cuccia Siberia like the Willy Rhino these specimens were Cubs and also like the Willy Rhino these were so well preserved that they still had fur like other species of the last ice age these saber-tooth Tigers died out around 10,000 years ago scientists hypothesized that this was due to some mixture of global heating and human hunting another specimen was found off the coast of the UK weighing in around 881 pounds from these same icy waters scientists have recovered mastodons and other creatures from the ice age times for a human woman take a look at this woman does she look any different to someone alive today amazingly she is actually one thousand years old this Incan mummy was discovered 20,000 above sea level next to a volcano she looks exactly the same as someone alive and well today amazingly she was preserved in the ice like this for thousands of years and can now be examined by scientists three willow boughs and artwork as well as Spears scientists have found willow boughs trapped in ice for thousands of years what's more there have been sightings of artwork written in red markings that demonstrate how they were used the frozen ice trapped these sketches on the rocks and kept them safe for thousands of years today we can clearly see artwork that has survived for millennia now we are able to look at these pictures for the first time properly too close for the cold uncovered in August 2011 here we can see a shirt fashion 7600 years ago we are unsure of what the material is but it's clearly something that was used to keep the Viking safe it was found in a part of Norway which has been melting over time there were other items found nearby such as Spears and drawings this is one of the oldest sartorial items found in the ice as an artifact and look in our past one frozen Ice Age puppies sometimes scientists find something a little more close to home in this case they have located an Ice Age puppy in the ice while the thing wasn't as well preserved as other Ice Age specimens it was surprisingly well preserved scientists dated this puppy to be something around twelve thousand four hundred and sixty years old found in the deep Siberian tundra this find has helped reshape our idea of Ice Age canine phylogeny another interesting fact about this find is that it was discovered while looking for another prized Ice Age item mammoth tusks while in search of the ancient bones they had discovered a part of this furry animal peeking from the ice the result was this astounding new find
