The Extraterrestrial Agenda. Who are They What They Want In Our Planet ?

Image result for extraterrestrialHouston, Texas, December 1992. Eight members of the Houston UFO Network separately report being abducted in one of the strangest mass abduction cases in history. Derrel Sims, a former US intelligence operative, conducts the preliminary investigation. All these people independent of each other, and to my shock and amazement, they all came back with the exact same story-- the same craft, the same entities. They identified each other in great detail. Some of them didn't even know each other very well. All of these people described being taken by a small craft and a small entity, and the entity took them to a much larger craft. NARRATOR: After researching numerous UFO sightings that were reported the night of the incident, Sims makes a shocking discovery. Someone in Japan had filmed the moon during this time and filmed a massive craft that left a shadow across the moon as it crossed the moon's surface during the same time of the mass abduction. So there was the corroboration that we needed. UFO researchers following the case believe collective details gathered from the event may shed new light on the abduction phenomena and perhaps clues to understanding the extraterrestrial agenda. One of the people taken saw a map-like thing on the wall. The map that this individual saw that was on the wall indicated approximately 6,000 years of the aliens' involvement with mankind. We were down to the last small section of that map which was about a hundred years left. What we deduced from the information from the abductee was simply that this experiment, whatever it is, is almost over. After viewing the map, one of the abductees was led through a massive hallway to another part of the craft. DERREL SIMS: It was a huge room, enormous size. I said, what did you see? He said it looked like a collection, like almost like a museum of things that had been collected. They seemed to have collected species, animals, people, all kinds of things. Then I said, and what was significant about that? And he said, I don't think they were dead. I think they were all suspended animation. This may explain the reason why some people disappear and don't come back from an abduction event. NARRATOR: Do the accounts from the Houston mass-abduction event shed new light on the extraterrestrial agenda? If so, might the stories of mass disappearances throughout history be not fantasy but part of a program to collect human beings and other Earth species? But for what purpose? DAVID WILCOCK: Perhaps these abductions are not happening for some random reason. These samples are being taken so that the human seed itself can be preserved in the unlikely event of some mass ecological catastrophe that wipes out human life on Earth as we now know it. The evolution of humans on this planet has been completely and totally an experiment on the part of extraterrestrials. We'll call it experimental lab process on this planet. Intelligences are cloning and hybridizing and mixing and matching Earth could very well be a farm, simple as that. It's like "The Island of Dr. Moreau" where we're genetically altered. We're mixed. We're abducted. We're taken. We're brought back. This could be the greatest melting pot of experimental work in the universe. But, you know, as NASA has said, they're going to discover alien life forms in 20 years. I think we will find that creatures on other worlds resemble us very closely. Could it be that extraterrestrials really have been coming to Earth and abducting large groups of people throughout our history? And if so, are other worldly beings conducting experiments to upgrade the human race, preparing us to become part of an intergalactic community? Ancient-astronaut theorists propose that one day we will be reunited with our alien ancestors, but perhaps for some of us this reunion has already occurred.
